DIY Almond Milk

If you don’t know about but milks, this is a great place to start the Vegan in you, #veganism

Pickle Jinx

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I love almond milk in my smoothies.  I always put it in my Basic Smoothie recipe and any variations.  There are some great store brands of almond milk.  I always prefer the ones that you can find in the freezer section versus the shelf stable ones.  Over Passover 2014 I was really trying to stick to my normal diet despite all the restrictions and temptations.  I couldn’t find any kosher for passover almond milk so I made my own.  I used the recipe from  I really love the consistency and freshness of it.  You have the ability to make it thick or thin – sweet or regular.

unnamed-2I soak my 1 c of almonds in a mason jar for 24 – 48 hours.  You then drain and rinse the almonds.


I take 1/2 cup of the soaked almonds and combine with 1 cup of water in a blender.  Blend…

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